
Friday, February 18, 2011


  1. Hey Ane! My name is Abby Jordan and I go to the University of South Alabama located in Mobile, Alabama. That is in the United States. I see you haven't been on your blog very much lately. Blogging is great! It is a way to tell people your feelings and thoughts about different things that are happening to you. We all have our very own blog for my college class EDM310. I didn't know much about blogging until now, but I love it! After all, we probably would have never come across each others paths otherwise. Keep up the good work in school and remember to make learning fun!

  2. Hey Ane ,
    I really liked your photo and hope that you will have more post . Keep us updated .

  3. Hi ane I like your photo you have done.Its really good but you got to slime better.But good work I love it

  4. sorry I did it wrong I should ofsaid you have to smile better.


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